The Prophetic Ministry


The Prophetic Ministry

The prophetic Ministry has been one of the most misunderstood and abused functions in the body of Christ in recent times, due to ignorance and misinformation on the modus operandi of the function.

In order for us not to quench the spirit or despise Prophesying, we must be vigilant in testing every spirit and every Prophecy to ensure they align with the written word of God and the character of Christ.

Dr. Damina critically and doctrinally examines the following aspects in details

The office of a Prophet
Prophecies and Prophesying
Judging Prophesies
False Prophets and teachers and much more.

To safely and fully embrace the ministry of the Prophet, there is the need for discernment which is a function of precise knowledge.

This book is written with the new generation of ministers in mind to take away the fear, the limits, the misconceptions of that office and fully release its functionality in fullness to the body of Christ, to profit the body by bringing edification, exhortation and comfort.

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